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Novembro 02, 2004

América, 2 Novembro 2004*

Miguel Marujo

this House is on fire!

kick off your boots, come and sit a spell

listen to me worry, come and listen well

all you better best come and lean in boys

cause I don't dare to raise my voice

I've been sitting here for the longest time

reading all the warning and the danger signs

I don't have the gift of the prophecy

telling everybody how it's gonna be

soon come, soon come the day this tinderbox

is gonna blow in your face

I don't have the gift of the prophecy

telling everybody how it's gonna be

you go passing wrong for right and right for wrong

people only stand for that for just so long

it's all gonna catch like a house on fire

spark an evil blaze and burn higher

well, I don't have the gift of the prophecy

telling everybody how it's gonna be

you go passing wrong for right and right for wrong

people only stand for that for just so long

I don't have the gift of the prophecy

telling everybody how it's gonna be

there's a wild fire catching in the whip of the wind

that could start a conflagration

like there has never been.

this house is on fire!

[Natalie Merchant, 2001]

* - in Terras do Nunca, com a devida vénia. Para além de habitualmente certeiro (leiam os "posts" de 26 a 31 de Outubro, para uma pequena e variada amostra), por ali se cultiva boa música.

Novembro 02, 2004

«Somos todos americanos»

Miguel Marujo

No 11 de Setembro, houve quem enchesse a boca com estas sábias palavras. Hoje, perante o mundo a querer votar nas eleições americanas, mandam-nos calar: a decisão é dos americanos e devemos respeitá-la. E se Kerry ganhar, como será?

Nota: à direita, há quem "vote" Kerry. «ADM, Guantánamo e Abu Ghraib, Patriot Act, Iraque: quatro razões contra Bush», diz-nos Pedro Mexia. E diz-nos mais: «Em democracia, uma guerra não deve partir de uma mentira».